Max 14.2 update, SC not working

After updated my Mac to 14.2 (from 14.1). SC not working anymore. any idea ?


Can you please send what the apache log line says about the error?

Best regards.

Dear @sodesign,

We’ve released version 9.10.002 adding support for the Sonoma (14.2) version of MacOS.

Please, whenever possible, install Scriptcase in the new version and give us feedback.

Best regards!

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ok, soon. Where can I download the new version ?. I see only .001

I got iT! I can download now…

Sry, not working. Uninstall, re-install, safari/ chrome. Not working…

Dear @sodesign,

Firstly, we apologize for the inconvenience.

We removed the case from the changelog, as we later discovered inconsistencies in the operation of Scriptcase in a macOS 14.2 environment.

We are already working on this issue, and any news on this, I will report back through this thread.

Best regards!


After updating my MAC to Sonoma 14.2.1 my scriptcase standard installation 9.10.001(2) stops working too.
I have a second apache and php8.1 installed from homebrew for my mariadb installation listening at port 80.
After modifying my homebrew apache and homebrew php8.1 according to the available scriptcase manual installation instructions and granting write access to the wwwroot and underlaying directories my scriptcase is back running and compiling without problems with the homebrew apache server.

Maybe this note may help finding the problem.
My MAC has a M2 processor.

Best Regards


Finally… Uninstall SC, delete folder, update PHP81 homebrew, reinstall SC on another port (not 8092 but 8080). Working fine for now !