menu and security module + log module

hi guys, i didn’t find a place to post about security module, so I saw my Q says about menu application so i did post it here

1- security module, it is necessary to have menu application to use it? what alternativies if no?
2- security module, when first set it up, is it necessary to add/edit users from development envionrment eveytime add/edit/remove any new users???
3- if user doensn’t have permission to some application(s) is it going to stay in the menu? isn’t supposed to be hidden at all? and shown only if user has permissions to it?
4- log module, how can be viewed for administrators? i mean not by going to database raw view as mentioned in the videos channel of sc? what is the best practice to view the log module and make it available to view by administrators group for example?

thanks in advanced

1 no
2 as soon as you use the module you need to apply users and rights. IF you don’t want that you can unset a ‘use security’ checkbox at the preferences so that security will be ignored. But only while developing, as soon as you deploy you need to maintain users.
3 no it is removed from the menu
4 you can create a log application by wizzard to view the log.

perfect Alber, thanks, I’m yet trying to get it done, actually lack of time and free mind only :slight_smile:

so, if menu application not required for security module to run, how i can set it up though? any clue or practice you may advise?