menu line height

Anyone figured out how to set the height of the menu line?

I can change the size of menu items but the background “line” doesn’t seem to increase with the size of the menu items.

Any thoughts?


Re: menu line height

I would have to research this. My first thought is that while the menu system is OK, it could be better. It might be helpful to contact the vendor of the menu and see if they have any comments.

I just noticed there was a new release Oct…2007. Perhaps we should ask NetMake for something that is maintained more often?


Re: menu line height

Well, I created a work around.

Since my application is running in an iframe on a “blank” application that is used as a template, I just set the template iframe allowtransparency to true.

Then I can create the menu back ground the way and size I want it to look, remove all background settings in the scriptcase theme and walla!

Shouldn’t be that hard though! lol.

Re: menu line height


Interestingly enough, the menu settings “height” actually works for IE7… just not any of the other browsers I’ve tried… lol


Re: menu line height

Hopefully there will be a new menu one day … This current menu is OK, but sort of dated looking and has limited functionality.
