Menu on iPad always open in new tab

I create SC8 web application. When I run the application on iPad, it always open in new tab. Please check it.

yes it is because of the iframes.

How to prevent that ? On Android smartphones it runs well.

try to play with options of menu, get rid of iframe or replace them if possible. try also from project properties to set “use index file” to no and see what happens.

I can’t find “use index file” and options of menu is so simple.

from sc after you login, open your project, SC menu > project > properties (first selection) see use index page, i am not sure if will help you for what you want as i didn’t try it but also your problem is annoying if your project will be used on ipad… it is from iframes indeed, but if you can manage it without “menu” application or using that index files and solved for ipads please let us know…

one more thing i can highlight is to force value _self or _parent in linking between applications? did you try that? it may work on ipad/safari of ipad? just inform us what is the best practice because i’m interested to do one project for ipad as well but not yet started :slight_smile:

Hi guys, has anyone managed to solve this problem? I had tried this with the samples that come with Scriptcase and on my iPad it always opens the links in a new browser window. Maybe there is something I’m still missing??