Hi, ia am getting frecuentily this message error handler of Scriptcase. it appears when i clicked in Buttons with code or Functions Php.
Error is inside loh generated. You have to share with us the error itself to know what’s happening
I receive the same message. It says “Click on this link to send this error to NetMake”, but there is no link to click. Only text.
System Error. We recommend you to send the file with the error to NetMake.
Log File successfully created:
Click on this link to send this error to NetMake.
Page with 3 queries,
SEL: 2 - DEL: 1created in 0.15s
I also get this error long time ago, I just only minimize this window and keep on working because if you close it , it will appear again whenever you compile or do another stuff in sc.
Search the file ?nside criptcase folder an look the content.