Dear all,
I got a BUTTON with Php code.
I’m doing the check if rows exist in order to show messages
If 1 --> Create rows
If 2 --> Message ‘No rows available…’
Why I see only echo "I AM HERE "; and nothing about <script type=‘text/javascript’>alert
It’s strange becouse if I’m not wrong it worked… (I’m running 8.1 now)
//Check rows
$sql_check_div = “SELECT IF( EXISTS( SELECT * FROM products_selected_rfq WHERE CustomerID= ‘glo_CustomerID’ ) , ‘1’, ‘2’ )”;
sc_lookup(my_data, $sql_check_div);
$result_sql = {my_data[0][0]};
if ($result_sql == 2)
{ echo "I AM HERE ";
echo “<script type=‘text/javascript’>alert(‘Non ci sono righe da elaborare - Selezionarne almeno un prodotto !
There are not rows to be elaborated - Select at list a product first !’);</script>”;
// sc_exit(sel);
echo "<script type=‘text/javascript’>alert('Attenzione ora verr? creata una RDO che comprender? tutte le righe selezionate
Tutte le righe dei prodotti precedentemente selezionate verranno poi cancellate
Attention, now it will be create an RFQ which will contain all rows selected
All row previously selected will be deleteted’);</script>";