Metro Style menu - follow up

Hi, I an developing a “Metro Style” graphical menu. I have two problems:
the first is that I cant find a way of putting text over the images in CSS, the second is how to generate an href for HTM that will link to the apps and take care of development and production servers.

Has anyone successfully developed a Metro menu?

Doug Maclean

puedes hacerlo con estilo de card y en formulario blank y lo pones como libreria externa y luego lo llamas asi como lo hago yo:
sc_include_library (“prj”, “carrito”, “economica/menu_tienda.php”, “include_once”, “Require”);
yo tengo mi menu en una libreria externa que se llama menu_tienda.php

Thanks for the reply - I had to use google to translate which has not come out that well. Do you just call your php code that is in the external library from the blank application?