Missing message with sc_error_message() ...

Hi everybody,

In a control app, OnValidate section I have this test :

if ({totbal}!= 0){

I forget to create my message “lang_msg_51” in Application Language, so when I run my app and I validate it, I get a error for my missing message but it doesn’t stop with sc_error_exit() and continue with the rest of code and execute OnvalidateSuccess

I think it’s very dangereous !!!

Thanks for fixing this asap…

Hello !

I have tested here exactly how you explained to simulate this problem and really the same happened.
I have already reported to solve this problem as soon as possible.
Thank you for reporting!

Hello again!

The macro sc_error_exit() doesn’t work in this case because it will only work if the macro sc_error_message works before.
As the lang doens’t exist, the macro sc_error_message don’t work as expected.