I am working on a new project, exactly at the finance stage, would you please share your vision about income/outcome - debit/credit (as concept not programming). what is the best way to manage them in DB and SC? [Structure]
Also i have various invoices for many sections and i always store [total] field in my DB to use it later by selecting total from the target table with the status field [Paid/Not paid] and payment method [cash, check, insurance or installment] and type [debit/credit]. from my perspective i am going to use treasury concept.
Appreciate your help.
any suggestions?
It’s a hard question to answer as there are no best solutions. My solution isn’t necessaraly the ‘best’ and all kind of options are there. If I create invoices I have a processvalue which is the total amount of the invoice. I don’t store that value as it is a process value, you can calculate that over and over again. I do store the prices of the service as these might change over time and I dont want to keep a full history of prices to be able to reconstruct. As soon as the invoice goes into the financial gateway I do fix the value as it needs to be bound to the transaction code of the bank. But that’s a different story. I think if you want good advice you should describe your ideas in more detail and let us comment.
Hello Albert.
Thank you so much for your comment.
I am working on hospital management system, i have three payment methods [Cash or Cheque] with ability to installment in some special cases.
i stored service fees in some tables for example there is a table for operations that contains details like operation name and fees.
i can create a separated invoice for every service [lab test for example] and final invoice will contains every thing [clinic fees, lab fees …etc]
on the other hand some patients have [insurance] so the exact amount of money will be collected later [debit].
What is the best way to mange [debit, credit] in my software? exactly in reports, should i store them in different tables?
Thanks so much for your help.
Difficult to say. If I would need reports I think I need the full story. But an invoice to the patient is something else then a specification to an insurance company. So some medical issue is divided into different invoices depending on who payes. But if the insurance company is not paying I assume the bill will go to the patient then. For us Dutch it is sometimes even more complicated as sometimes an insurance company will only pay a certain percentage. I think that you should keep the necessary data together in a ‘happening’ table (not sure how to write that in english) Each happening consist of subhappenings like aneastatics, operation, pre-screening, post-screening. These are invoice lines. In NL the invoice goes to the patient who needs to declare to the insurance company or to the insurance who will bill the client if necessary. But if you need to be able to declare the money to the patient or the insurance company you need to allow the user to specify per item how the spit in charge is arranged. I would not create different tables for that as you might have to move date if insurance company is not paying etc. Per item you can keep track of payment. Something like that. Hope this helps.
medicalissue -> happening -> invoicing patient perc/amount, invoicing insurance perc/amount -> invoice to patient&invoice to insurance.
I do not know how to say Thanks. Albert i really appreciate your time you spend in helping people.
I will back soon to write in details what i have done