More Common Sense

Dear Net Make can you please resize all fields in SC8 where it is possible to see the whole string. The EDIT FIELDS screen shows tiny form where 50% of the string does not fit into the field and causes continuous using keyboard scrolling, while there is about 70% or more WHITESPACE left on the same screen. Why make it so small if there is plenty of room ?

See image



I think that goes for more screens.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

BARTHO - I really appreciate your replies and the fact that at least someone is checking those posts, however for the last 2-3 years I have seen about few dozen of such statements “reported to the bugs team,…”, although nobody returns with the reply statement confirming if the issue was fixed. This sounds like shooting in the air!

I bet most people here agree that certain bugs have not been fixed since SC6, we really need to see what is going on with the problems we report, otherwise posting here makes no sense (although it takes time even to create a message, screenshot etc.). For the last 2 years I myself have posted probably around 100 or more bug reports…


Agree with aka - we can also “vote” so you can see what your customers really want in terms of priority!

Bartho - why your company is so resistant to bug fixes ?

Certain problems continue from SC6 (that’s about 2 years). The issue like this is so simple to fix, wouldn’t even take a day.
English bugs that I find almost every time I use SC are also super simple fixes.
I have asked why do I see CHART block on the screen if the charts for the App are disabled. All you need to do this is hide the chart section when the charts are disabled. Such simple fix,…why you guys cannot at least react quickly on simple fixes. This would at least put your company in much better view and show you care about customer feedback.


yes, I’m thinking about creating small App which will allow to vote and attach comments to NM features and actions. This should be although done by NM to allow customers express their needs. I have a feeling like NM just takes the easy path to implement what is convenient for them but not for us - customers.

About English bugs, if you report them I will modify it (I will request a subforum for translation issues), I have access to english dict. But you must understand, thath it’s not convenient and update every day, just because a phrase in dict was changed, since V8 release, NM release an update every week (on Fridays).

Hello aka,

We appreciate your suggestion. We will analyze it carefully.
Based on your idea, we can keep improving our service and product.

Thank you!