Has anyone work with MQTT inside scriptcase ?
Has anyone work with MQTT inside scriptcase ?
Hi, yes a made several control apps that:
I used a javascript library, there are many, I used
but there is also
Using javascript you have to connect to MQTT server via websockets.
Thank you @Vincenzo for your reply.
Can you pass me something basic?
In any case, it was useful your answer
well shortly just to give an idea, I wrote this code in the OnScriptInit
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo sc_url_library("prj", "mqtt", "paho-mqtt-min.js"); ?>">
<script type="text/javascript">
const mqttsrv = "<?php echo $p[1]; ?>";
const mqttport = <?php echo $p[2]; ?>;
const mqttclientid = "insertion_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1);
// Create a client instance: Broker, Port, Websocket Path, Client ID
var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(mqttsrv, mqttport, "/ws", mqttclientid);
// set callback handlers
client.onConnectionLost = function (responseObject) {
$( "#sc_connessione_top" ).removeClass( "scButton_ok" ).addClass( "scButton_default" );
// function to manage messages arrived after subscription
client.onMessageArrived = function ( message ) {
// console.log( message );
var pezzimsg = message.topic.split('/');
var seriale = pezzimsg[0];
var topic = pezzimsg[1];
// console.log( topic + ' ==> ' + message.payloadString );
// Swal.fire({ type: 'info', title: message.topic, text: message.payloadString } );
// console.log( '('+ topic +') is insertion?' );
if ( topic == 'insertion' ) insertion( message );
// Called when the connection is made
function onConnect(){
$( "#sc_connessione_top" ).removeClass( "scButton_default" ).addClass( "scButton_ok" );
function connetti() {
// connessione
client.connect({ onSuccess: onConnect });
$( document ).ready(function() {
// a button calls this function
function openinsertion() {
// publush a message
client.send( 'head/lock_ins', '{ "client" : "' + client.clientId + '" }' ,0, false );
// subscribe a topic
client.subscribe( '+/insertion' );
maybe if you look other samples is more clear.
With javascript you can show info changing custom fields, or to save infos of payloads just call a blank app via ajax.
Thank you
It is exactly what I wanted
Best Regards