I recently upgraded from SC 8.1 Pro/MySql to 8.1 Pro so I could work with MS-Access databases. My development PC is windows 10 with SC 8.1. I installed the AccessDatabaseEngine_2007.exe as recommended when I created the connection. It works fine in my development PC.
My client server where they want to host is Windows 2008 R2 with WAMP installed. I installed the same AccessDatabaseEngine_2007.exe and created the 32bit system DSN.
when I go to wwwroot/_lib and try to setup the connections I get an error “Connection Error - Unable to Connect”. Can anyone offer any advice how to get this to work?
Hi, some ideas:
The system DSN you created, was created at the server, right?
Could you check the driver version in the list you see when creating the DSN in both the PC and the Server?.. are they the same?
In the server, the Apache server is running as a service? Under what security context (eg, which user is the one used to run the service)? These user, had read/write rights on the MDB file? Is the MDB file protected with password?
Thank you for your suggestions. Answer is Yes to all your questions. I’ve installed SC in trial mode on the Host Windows 2008 server and the connection works.
I will continue to try and get it resolved and will post any solution I discover.
I think it must be some configuration on the webserver that is causing my issue.
- scriptcase installed on my development pc as a package that installed Apache and PHP. MS Access odbc connection works
- WAMP installed on the Server 2008 - MS Access odbc connection does NOT work
- WAMP uninstalled on the Server 2008 and Scriptcase installed as a package - it works.
- Is there some extension that Scriptcase activates that WAMP does not that allows this to happen?
I assume you mean microsoft server 2008 64 bits. For the deployment you have to install the proper version of odbc (64 or 32 bits) AND very likely install the microsoft visual studio runtime (32 or 64 bits). Be 100% sure to take the correct versions or it wont work.
I definitely have the 32bit version of ODBC installed. I read somewhere that I have to use the 32bit with SC.
RR, it works in my scriptcase development environment. It also works on my production server, IF I install scriptcase there. It makes me think there is some setting in an .ini file that I am missing. I compare php.ini between the 2 environments and adjusted the production to match but could not get it to work.
I’ve wasted so much time on this…I’m thinking of just purchasing another SC license to go on the production server. Normally I would install WAMP and move my project files there. Is running a production app on a server with the Apache and PHP installed with the SC install a bad idea?
May I ask why you decided to use MS Access? I assume this is for a very small install.
Nevertheless, since you are using Windows server you might find the game is completely different than using desktop windows for example. Check the following on the Windows server :
- Event viewer - Application and security logs
- Disable UAC
- Make sure you have the Access Database engine runtime installed on the server. Remember servers are very much vanilla. The 2010 version is here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255
- Lastly, ensure the ODBC DSN is 32bits http://sqlblog.com/blogs/john_paul_cook/archive/2010/03/16/32-bit-odbc-on-windows-server-2008-r2.aspx amd not the default 32bits
I didn’t choose Access. There is an existing Access system that I will be migrating some data to MySQL. I’m convinced it’s some setting for PHP or Apache. If I install the SC system on the 2008 server, I can make an Access connection fine. But if I install WAMP, I can’t make it work. Thanks for you ideas. It’s actually a very old system and I have to use the 2007 Access database engine.
Check the to make sure the 32 bit DSN is set and not the default 64bit. I suspect Scriptcase have its own built in,but WAMP needs it configured. I suspect it is similar to this case http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27008506/sqlsrv-drivers-doesnt-appear-on-a-wamp-server-phphinfo-after-adding-the-exten