Hello guys,
Did any of encounter below problem, and if so how to fix it?:
Until a week ago using multi language worked fine in my project.
On login I call the macro sc_set_language. It calls 1 out of 5 languages (nl,en,de,es,fr).
The standard language is Dutch but the language I’m trying to call is German (de;de_de). This used to work fine, all the fields would be translated to german. But now all the fields only show as Dutch (which is set as standard) even though I call the sc_set_language(de;de_de) macro.
I checked the session data (View -> Data in session) to be sure the right variable was called, and it is.
What could have happened and more importantly: how can I fix this? I didn’t change anything language related other than add some translated words (no application settings are changed).
Hope you can help