Multi language doesn't work (anymore)

Hello guys,

Did any of encounter below problem, and if so how to fix it?:

Until a week ago using multi language worked fine in my project.
On login I call the macro sc_set_language. It calls 1 out of 5 languages (nl,en,de,es,fr).
The standard language is Dutch but the language I’m trying to call is German (de;de_de). This used to work fine, all the fields would be translated to german. But now all the fields only show as Dutch (which is set as standard) even though I call the sc_set_language(de;de_de) macro.
I checked the session data (View -> Data in session) to be sure the right variable was called, and it is.

What could have happened and more importantly: how can I fix this? I didn’t change anything language related other than add some translated words (no application settings are changed).

Hope you can help

Re: Multi language doesn’t work (anymore)

Please check my picture.


Re: Multi language doesn’t work (anymore)

Hi suyonob,

Thank you for your help it’s just that this doesn’t solve the problem.
This method only makes German the standard language (I’ve tried it nonetheless).

The problem I’m having is that the project doesn’t respond to the sc_set_language macro.
In effect this means I cannot dynamically set a language based on someones user settings.
All my applications have the “Share Location Variable” parameter set to “yes” but on login it doesn’t apply the right language based on those parameters.

I’m using SC 5.02 with mysql.

Any other thoughts?
