Multi language


I have database utf-8 and table with field utf8 - utf8_unicode_ci

in scriptcase when past text in language turkish:
—>> Her yıl gıda yoluyla bulaşan hastalıklar y?z?nden hastalanan kişilerin sayısı

do not display all characters correctly:
—>> Her yıl gıda yoluyla bula?an hastalıklar y?z?nden hastalanan ki?ilerin sayısı

This problem occurs only with the Turkish language,
In greek, Russian etc… there are no problems

Help for a solution to my problem!

many thanks


Re: Multi language

I got a similar issue.

Did you find a solution?

Re: Multi language

Try to edit the Turkish language in Tools/Locales/Languages, maybe the problem is the charset used there.

Re: Multi language


YES I found the solution.
I had to change _lib / lang all language files php:

$this-> Nm_lang [ ‘Nm_charset’] = “UTF-8”;

Attention each time you deploy, the SC replaced the default CHARSET.

Dorigatti are you Italian?


Re: Multi language

If you edit the Turkish Language in Tools/Locales/Languages to UTF-8 you don’t need to change the language files.

Re: Multi language

Thanks for your reply,
but my sc (Version–4.00.0030)
in languages:

  • not find Turkish, Greek and Norwegian for change charset.
  • I can not find the icon ADD but in its place I find the icon Help.

You can help me?