Multiform and control data

Multiform and control data

Hi, I have a system for the registration of reservations in a database where obviously reservations for a room not possonoavere double bookings at the same time interval.

I would like to create a form for multiple registration of reservations in order to facilitate the work of data entry in the db.
So in a form the possibility to put more different rooms in the same interval of time, but with the very important function of control of the dates.
At the same time a room can have only one reservation.

What is the way to go ???

Who can help me please ???

Create a grid appliaction so that you can see a row of rooms? Add some check boxes for each row (using a non database field) and ad a button on the top or button which you click that allows you to loop through all selected rows and set the field with the correct date.
If you are afraid that someone else may happen to change it form another location add a second field that holds the reservation status. Thus in your loop you can skip the records that may have changed because the database contents was changed by someone else.