Multiple Connections

Please allow to select which connection strings should be deployed to the sever. At this moment all connections defined in local project are deployed to the server (which has many limitations and creates a mess). I would like to decide which connections will be implemented on remote sever ! Another words I want to keep i.e. 3 connections in the local project but only 1 connection on the sever. At this moment there is no way to do it.


And why you need this? If you have 3 connections is because you need it. If not, don’t has sense

Locally I need 2 connections because I do some data manipulation between local PC and server. On the server I do not need it. Of course I could keep 2 separate Projects for that but this would simply add lots of extra maintenance. There should be an option to arr/remove connections while on the deployment screen. SC does show 2 connections when deploying but does not allow to do anything except changing the connection name. Keeping 2 connections on the deployed project is asking for problems and I have run into that already twice.

You can always use [TABLE=“class: table_macro, cellpadding: 5, cellspacing: 0”]
[TD=“class: macros, width: 20%”] [LEFT]sc_change_connection (“Old_Connection”, “New_Connection”)[/LEFT]
[TD=“class: macros, width: 27%”]This macro dynamically change the application connections.[/TD]


  • thanks but I think you missing the point. I need to get the record from one database then transport it to another database. I hope you not trying to suggest to switch connection for every record (or recordset) as it would be totally inefficient.

DBO and so on are still available… See here, just use basic mysql or pdo…

Ok, I think I have an idea how to manage it so thank you all for your support and time. I think we can close the thread.