Multiple fileds in single column


Not sure if this is possible, but…

I want to display a address in a single column in a grid, but i store the adrress as individual fields within the table e.g adress, city, postcode etc.

I tried CONCAT and CONCAT_WS and this works, but i’d like to have the value returned as individual lines.

e.g Aurthur Dent
Ashworth Cottage

I thought I might be able to do this by addidng the individual field values in the OnRecord event, but I can’t see how to insert a line break ( should it be html or
or chr(13) or sometig else )

Any and all help appreciated.

The usual line break could be a HTML <br>

Sample :
{name} . ‘<br>’ . {street}

Maybe you can tell us, if this works for you.

Gunter Eibl

i use <hr/> tag

Sorry for the late reply

The simplest way I could figure out was to use CONCAT_WS ( mysql/mariadb) and include ‘<BR>’, so…

CONCAT_WS(’<BR>’, NULLIF(field_1,’’), NULLIF(field_2,’’) )