Multiple Links in each grid row.. Recommended layout for multiple link actions?

Newbie here… We have a grid showing a table of users, which have multiple links, ex:
Delete User, Change Password

But, the user interface isn’t intuitive since you need to have your mouse over the username to see those link options.

Is there a way to create them as icons/text links inside each grid row? Example:
Username1 … [Delete User] … [Change Password]
Username2 … [Delete User] … [Change Password]
Username3 … [Delete User] … [Change Password]

Or, is there some other type of user interface that ScriptCase normally uses for this? Example, master-detail? (I don’t know what that is since I’m new.)
What do you guys suggest?

I would go for a traditional grid and form, linked by an application-link enabeling 'new’on the grid and the form as a modal link. In the form you can do the appropiate actions like new, alter and delete. What you want is possible, but it requires a lot more explanation. The interface suggested would be the grid with a pencil in front and a 'new’button in top. Clicking new will popup the userform in a modal way. Same goes for clicking on the pensil, the appropiate userform will popup.