I’ve installed SC9 on my Mac and I’m looking through the manual on how to connect to MySQL and that part of the manual is missing… and I can’t connect… keeps timing out. I’m assuming, although SC installed it’s own apache and php 7, it didn’t install MySQL? Looks like it does with Linux install.
Previously I was using a MySQL install via MAMP but I noticed on the scriptcase 9 install that you should have other servers (ie MAMP) installed.
SO, on Mac OS X, what’s the suggestion for MySQL? Or am I missing something basic here.

Yes the MAC OS X installer did not install Mysql , just an Apache and php 7 under …/applications/scriptcase

As you used to work with mamp , why not continue with mamp and install Scriptcase 9 manually ?

Thanks… I ended up just installing MySQL so all good but was just surprised it wasn’t loaded… The reason I didn’t continue using with MAMP was because the installation suggested not to and I wanted as few problems as possible. I was learning on the trial version of 8.1 but decided to buy in at version 9 so I wouldn’t have the import issues everyone seems to be having. Still, it would be good to actually see the Scriptcase staff more active in these forums.

good to read you’r ok now.
I personally prefer manual installation under Mamp with individual PHP version for every hosts in cgi mode (for SC 8.1 and SC 9) but of course you may running MySQL alone under Mamp and use the automatic Scripcase installation for Mac .
I wish you a nice discovery of scriptcase.

Good to know… I preferr using MAMP but didn’t want any issues with Scriptcase so just followed procedure… once I get my head around it a bit I may move it.