MySQL UTF8 problem

How to set my MySQL datebase, so that the Chinese characters can be displayed correctly when I use phpmyadmin to view it?

The scriptcase claims that all multibyte characters will be stored as UTF8, but when I set my MySQL default character set to UTF8, it still show strange character.

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem


This is happen when you execute the app ?

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

I think client_encoding is the best solution for this but it does not work on mysql.

My solution is below:

On each application, Settings>Events>onScriptInit write the code below:
sc_exec_sql(“set names ‘utf8’”);

Integrate your Scriptcase applications to Joomla!

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

The connection has a parameter that already set that, hasnt? client_encoding set automatically after the connection this parameter.

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

I saw the advanced tab and client_encoding. But It does not work for mysql.

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

let me test.

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

Can you confirm if isnt working on development environment or only on the deployed environment?

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

It does not work on both development and deployment.
Application can not display mysql db content correctly with utf8 collation.

Integrate your Scriptcase applications to Joomla!

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

I was having the same problems. My app’s languages are English and French with a lot of French characters in the MYSql db. The grid was not displaying French characters. English and French Languages set to UFT-8.

The above solution worked. A reference to the MYSQL - SET NAMES can be found at:

Re: MySQL UTF8 problem

Try to make a new user on your db but not superuser and change connection.
MySql superuser got trouble with UTF-8 probably…