Navigation buttons

After the latest v8 updates, the navigation buttons on the toolbar ( first page , previous page, next page and last page ) of ALL FORMS of my project are disabled . How I can activate them?

Please it is very urgent, since I can not update my clients applications…



Open your app and go to Toolbar on your left tab, and make sure that those buttons are selected on your top toolbar settings, then regenerate your app.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thank you very much for your reply, but I think that’s not the problem.

The buttons appear, but are not active because it is not more than a page, but it should appear more than one because there are more records.
So I think it’s a problem of partial page.

In fact, I can choose to view more records but changing the drop down ‘view’ of 10 to 20 or 50, but I always appears one page and 1 record al the end … For example, if I have 42 records in the toolbar I can have

Go to View 10 1 [1 to 10 of 1]

Go to View 20 1 [1 to 20 of 1]

Go to View 50 1 [1 to 42 of 1]

As you can see I always get one page and at the end should read:

… [1 to 10 of 42]

… [1 to 20 of 42]

… [1 to 42 of 42]

Also this has happened, without changing anything, in all forms, after compiling my project. Before that the page was perfectly working.

Can someone help me with this, or tell me how I communicate to Netmake

[QUOTE=ajhernan;31208]Thank you very much for your reply, but I think that’s not the problem.

The buttons appear, but are not active because it is not more than a page, but it should appear more than one because there are more records.
So I think it’s a problem of partial page.

In fact, I can choose to view more records but changing the drop down ‘view’ of 10 to 20 or 50, but I always appears one page and 1 record al the end … For example, if I have 42 records in the toolbar I can have

Go to View 10 1 [1 to 10 of 1]

Go to View 20 1 [1 to 20 of 1]

Go to View 50 1 [1 to 42 of 1]

As you can see I always get one page and at the end should read:

… [1 to 10 of 42]

… [1 to 20 of 42]

… [1 to 42 of 42]

Also this has happened, without changing anything, in all forms, after compiling my project. Before that the page was perfectly working.

Can someone help me with this, or tell me how I communicate to Netmake[/QUOTE]

Can you try to recreate the form on a new project and see if you replicate the problem?
If not, is possible to share an export of the project? with a DUMP of the database.

I have recreated the form in a new project and there is no problem, so it has nothing to do with the environment or with the database.
To be more specific, what fails is the option ‘pagination method for the grid records’, but only in this project.

I think this is a ScriptCase bug.


Do you have an active log module on the buggy application?

Bernhard Bernsmann

It seem I had the same problem, but Im not sure, in my case, I was calling the form app from another app, from a grid app, and the check “navigation buttons enabled” (something like that, I am using scriptcase in spanish) in the link properties for the grid app was uncheck, I marked, compiled and thats all, it works now. In other words, the problem was not in the form without navigations buttons, it was in the calling (parent) form.

Thanks Roberto, but it’s not the same situation. I’m not calling a form from another app. In fact even start it alone fails. The navigation buttons appear inactive because the total number of records that detects is only one…


Do you have an active log module on the buggy application?

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]

Hello Bernhard!
I have enabled the scriptcase log module… if you mean it.

Can you share an export of the project/app and a dump of database?

Bernhard, This has already been reported AND the solution was identified by the users. However, someone at SC needs to solve the problem!

FWIW please read where you posted at the bottom of the included thread link timestamp 01-12-2015, 05:57 PM

THIS IS WHY SC should have, needs to have BUG TRACKING SYSTEM in place.
Please ask Management (if there is such a thing at SC) “what’s is it going to take to get NetMake to have a bug tracking system”?

ONCE AGAIN… this is a BUG! it began with the 12-30-2014 release. The reason the nav buttons do not show/work is because the application has the “log module” turned on. Turn off the log scheme and the nav buttons will work.

Stubock, thank you for your clarification.
I had not seen that this problem had already been reported and its “patch” solution. I hope SC solve it as soon as possible… :frowning: