I need to create a site similar to http://re-free.monoray.net
I have purchased SC thru the years, used it for a few basic database oriented apps for my churches membership, etc, but never really created a real looking website and integrate SC into it. I am not a web designer which may be part of my problem, but I"m fairly comfortable with PHP.
Any SC app I create looks “blocky” and not very state of the art. I need something like re-free.monoray.net, which is much more fluid looking and not so “square”. I tried joomla and JScriptCase but wasn’t happy with the results, liking something like Concrete5 much more now for my CMS, though I don’t know if there would be a reasonable way to hook SC into it.
Am I just fooling myself in thinking that I could make SC work for this particular site? I am not afraid to get into Yii which is what was used to do the monoray site, but I am more familiar with SC than Yii at this point.
If someone has created a site that’s more website oriented but uses SC for the data side, let me know.
I have to make a decision on my direction soon, like in the next 3-4 days.