nested master details multiple record forms

I have master table A
and table B child of table A
and table C child of table B

I create form_A (single record) and form_B (multiple record) and form_C (multiple record)
but I can not create a “master/detail” link to form_C from form_B because form_B is a multiple record form

we need to give a multiple record form the permission to have a detail form like this example

not sure, but try to create a nested grid in form_b to form_c. The parts grid will be a part of the product grid. You can configure to have the subgrid open by default, to have it treewize open etc.

thanks for you aducom but I need to change data in all forms and the grid is using to show data only

Your sample is showing a popup screen for edit. If you create a nested grid you can set a fieldlink on one of the fields in the nested grid and use that to link to a form where you can update/insert data. Set this formlink to type modal and it will popup like your sample.

thanks aducom is a good idea

but why scriptcase don’t allow a multiple record form to have details ? there is a reason ??

I don’t know, I’m not the creator :wink:

you can set a fieldlink on one of the fields in the nested grid and use that to link to a form where you can update/insert

can you please elaborate on how to do it ?
I need to do something similar