Net make - i cannot backup

Running backup from SC8 + Ffox generates this error !


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9356 bytes) in C:\Program Files\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\prod hird\adodb\drivers\ on line 651



That’s a LOT of memory. :confused:

You can try:
Edit the memory_limit parameter in the NetMake php.ini file (usually in a section called Resource Limits). On Linux, the file is /opt/NetMake/v8/components/apache/conf/php.ini

memory_limit = 2048M  ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (2GB)

If there is no section already for this, place the above line at the end of the file.

Restart NetMake’s Apache daemon. On linux:

sudo /etc/init.d/apachesc8 restart

It will be different on Windows, but that should get you started.

On windows go to the services in your control panel or type services in your runbox. Then find the service called ApacheScriptcase8 and restart the service.

Your suggestion fixed this error, but then I get another one

Content Encoding Error

still cannot backup

If you really want a full backup you are better of turning off the scriptcase apache server and simpyl do a complete scriptcase directory backup.
That is the easiest way if you want to fallback to an older version. I’ve been using that since version 6.

so why not to remove all backup features from SC if they do not work ?
at least no one will be confused and won’t waste time trying,…

If I use your suggestion the, how would I get back to the previous version ?
Do you suggest to keep multiple SC subdirectorias for each backup ?


Backup is now and always has been useless and/or broken. Just one more of those things we paid for and never got.


As long as a full directory backup is working well I like SC concentrating to fix issues in the code generation. Export/import projects work well which should be the way to go I guess. I agree that the full backup hasn’t been useful, but I never had the need of using it. The disk backup which is running anyway is sufficient for any crashes, the export for restoring a status after I’ve been doing something terrible wrong…

I use git version control against a 3rd server, and I version each application as well as the overall project, the deployed instance, the C/C++, Python, JavaScript, and Java components, and the important configuration files (httpd.conf, php.ini, etc.)

With a simple command, I can revert to any previous version at the component, app, or project levels.

For Windows users, WinGit provides all the basic functionality of Git and it is easy to use. O’Reilly’s Git manual is easy to follow, and an enjoyable read.

Backups - either SC or OS types - use full copies of every file. That’s a waste of resources. Git manages only the initial copy, plus its changes.

I use Git or Subversion for everything. It saves my backside about once a week.

That’s a great solution too. The full directory backup and restore works for me, they run every night, but of course there are other good solutions.

[QUOTE=Giblet535;32755]I use git version control against a 3rd server, and I version each application as well as the overall project, the deployed instance, the C/C++, Python, JavaScript, and Java components, and the important configuration files (httpd.conf, php.ini, etc.)

With a simple command, I can revert to any previous version at the component, app, or project levels.

For Windows users, WinGit provides all the basic functionality of Git and it is easy to use. O’Reilly’s Git manual is easy to follow, and an enjoyable read.

Backups - either SC or OS types - use full copies of every file. That’s a waste of resources. Git manages only the initial copy, plus its changes.

I use Git or Subversion for everything. It saves my backside about once a week.[/QUOTE]

Excellent idea. I use git for all of our linux projects, never thought to use it for backing up our SC projects. We could do commits based on our customer releases, and rollback individual apps whenever we need. I love it.


I know git but I am interested in the details on making the backup then.
Do you export the sqlite table contents of your main scriptcase table then including the css?
I mean if you have 2 projects and project 1 and project 2 get updated and you backup then you have both updates in your git. But how do you know the rollback for project 1 and not project 2? I assume you backup the sc database as well. But then your projects are in those tables and you could seriously screw up your projects if you restore project 1 and 2…