[QUOTE=Giblet535;32755]I use git version control against a 3rd server, and I version each application as well as the overall project, the deployed instance, the C/C++, Python, JavaScript, and Java components, and the important configuration files (httpd.conf, php.ini, etc.)
With a simple command, I can revert to any previous version at the component, app, or project levels.
For Windows users, WinGit provides all the basic functionality of Git and it is easy to use. O’Reilly’s Git manual is easy to follow, and an enjoyable read.
Backups - either SC or OS types - use full copies of every file. That’s a waste of resources. Git manages only the initial copy, plus its changes.
I use Git or Subversion for everything. It saves my backside about once a week.[/QUOTE]
Excellent idea. I use git for all of our linux projects, never thought to use it for backing up our SC projects. We could do commits based on our customer releases, and rollback individual apps whenever we need. I love it.