New and need advice on the basic linking concept in SC


I’m new to SC and just purchased a license.

I’m a bit confuse on the application binding part.

I understand function of my script are application, in separated pages.

In a real world script, for example help desk, operator will start from login page, after login will be redirect to a default Home screen with all the Menu on top bar ready to use the program.

The part I’m confuse is, how the Menu works.

Should I set after login, redirect to the Menu application? Or should I redirect after login to my prefer application?

I need advice from experience SC user to clarify the correct work flow for this so I can learn and understand more on how SC works.

Please advice, thank you in advance.

Useually if you have a menu you do a sc_redir to the menu application after logging on. You can see this if you generate a security module. That’s a great way to start to look how things work. On the site of SC are a lot of movies. It will take a while, but it’s a majour source of knowledge and following them will give you a good start. It was for me once. Of course you can put your questions here and we’ll be glad to answer them. But it’s way beyond scope to publish a complete guide here. Sorry.

Hi thanks.

Hi. Welcome from another SC user. Albert is correct. Look at the samples, as well as generate a security setup within a new project. The menu is often the center of any system. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. You are free to mix and match a system out of any combination of apps you generate. You just need to think thru how your users will get from one functional area or app to another. Menus just make sense most of the time :slight_smile: