"New" in form don't returning to created record


I noticed some strange behaviour worked before.

I have a Master form, and when I fill the fields, and press save, it returns to the same record and then detaill form appears to add detail records.
I noticed from some dais this behaivour is not working as before.

I’m missing something?

have you changed something under -Application-Navigation-Return After Inserting ?

Don’t changed anything. Right now is “Return after inserting” -> No, but whatever value it has, it always do the same, return to blank form, not recently created

I’m experiencing the same… only with the applications regenerated after the latest update… bug?

I think so :frowning:


I noticed some strange behaviour worked before.

I have a Master form, and when I fill the fields, and press save, it returns to the same record and then detaill form appears to add detail records.
I noticed from some dais this behaivour is not working as before.

I’m missing something?[/QUOTE]

Are you saying that the detail appears with a form to fill out and insert a new item? What kind of detail? Simple? Multiple? Grid?

Wait your response, If possible, please attach images.

Thank you!

Hey Thomas.

Whay I mean, is, I have a form, with a detail. Some ?weeks? ago, worked correctly, I mean, I open form in new mode, fill master fields, save, and then form refreshes on the same record showing detail.

Now, it don’t come back, just refreshes blank as a new master record to fill fields, and I have to go to my grid, and press my application link to edit the record just created.

Here you have a GIF


Some update? John? Thomas? did you take a look into “Return After Inserting” don’t working?

I know that there’s a checkbox somewhere to prevent inserting a new record after insert. Does that have any effect?

I think you talk about “Return After Inserting” under Application->Navigation. It suppose it returns to recent created record. Problem is, I tried to replicate on a blank project, and don’t fails. I love this :mad: This means thath rpoblaly I have to recreate the form…a lot of work, for something it worked before.

We simulate your problem in our system and got no errors. Please see the attached pictures and tell me if I did something different from you.

Thank you and sorry for the delay.





[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;35138]We simulate your problem in our system and got no errors. Please see the attached pictures and tell me if I did something different from you.

Thank you and sorry for the delay.

Hi Thomas, I know, and this is the problem.

Problem is, I tried to replicate on a blank project, and don’t fails. I love this This means thath rpoblaly I have to recreate the form…a lot of work, for something it worked before.

I had to recreate entire the form. I have the project with the failing form if you want.

[QUOTE=Giu;35139]Hi Thomas, I know, and this is the problem.

Problem is, I tried to replicate on a blank project, and don’t fails. I love this This means thath rpoblaly I have to recreate the form…a lot of work, for something it worked before.

I had to recreate entire the form. I have the project with the failing form if you want.[/QUOTE]

Please send your form to the dropbox with the table SQL Dump in which makes reference.

Soon after I do the appropriate tests.

Thank you!


We can’t simulate this problem.

Do you have some code in the events?
Are you using the last release(8.00.0039)?
Happens in all form or just master/detail?
Just to test, create a new master/detail and check if the problem happens.

Best Regard,
Netmake team

[QUOTE=Artur Oliveira;35475]Hello,

We can’t simulate this problem.

Do you have some code in the events?
Are you using the last release(8.00.0039)?
Happens in all form or just master/detail?
Just to test, create a new master/detail and check if the problem happens.

Best Regard,
Netmake team[/QUOTE]

Hi Artur,

Sorry, I was very busy to send you the app. I can’t replicate on new form from scratch., but I have the app failing. I will send when have tiem.


Any news about this problem?

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;35867]Hello,

Any news about this problem?[/QUOTE]

I forgot about to send the app John. My fault.


Any news about this problem?

We are waiting for your reply.

Best Regard,
Netmake team