new installation not starting

[SIZE=16px]Possible solution:[/SIZE] Using linux as development system has been for me a constant frustration with strange behaviour like the one reported below.
Switching to a Windows10 plattform has eliminated those problems.

There is enough annoyance with new scriptcase releases that correct some problems and add too many new problems in areas where it was working acceptably.

One other way to solve inexplicable behaviour: Delete the app and start it afresh!
One other frustration: The sql statement may be fully legal and producing the correct result while scripcase reports an sql error. This happens often with joins, Do not try too long, just

I have freshly downloaded and installed V9.4.01 on linux 64, When I try to start the web server (/opt/NetMake/v9/components/apache/sc_apache start
it reports: Function not implemented: AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator

What is wrong. Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Suggestions are very welcome.

Thank you ibatey for your remark.

In desperation I completely switched from linux to a windows10 environment. Now I do not have the above mentioned problem any moreā€¦ I get the impreshion that scriptcase development work on a specific linux brand and release, which is not always consistent with the one, the user has.
The application does run without a problem on a hosted unix webserver.