We’ve started to work out the use of the new library module. Until now we have been using the old model. Beneath are our findings which includes some issues we would like to have answered/fixed/solved. Perhaps we are doing some things wrong, I don’t know:
We created a new public (we only have to options now, public and project)
If you want to create a new file than we think you can do that only by uploading a file. Then you are able to edit it. IF you use ‘new file’ then this file is created but you can only rename the file or delete it. You cannot edit it?
Uploading file: Je get a form with Portuguese text on a button to select a file.
You cannot use scriptcase macro’s in the library. That makes it unusable.
5 While creating a new library and uploading the first file, the editor theme will be changed to ‘base 16 light’. Nice theme but some characters like quotes are pretty bad readable. You need to change these in default. If not then you have trouble everywhere in all editors. This only happens if you create a new library and upload a file and then try to edit it.
You can read global values, but you cannot set them. Looks logical, because you can use parameters, but it’s not consistent. But to convert old libraries this is a bummer. Is this intended?
In ‘public’ the library does not work. The library is not copied to the right spot when files are generated. It does with project. A know issue also reported on the forum.
Currently the new library module is unusable imho.