New menu has an error in the search option

Hello everyone…
Using the sc_appmenu_add_item macro adds the items dynamically to the new menu application. But the search option does not work. Checking I see that in the searchInit() function there is a forEach loop where the variable var parents = result.item.parent_list is defined. When using the sc_appmenu_add_item macro dynamically the system does not recognize parent_list in the list of items. If anyone is experiencing the same thing, could you help me find a solution?

Dear @reyi2403,

After carrying out some tests, we were able to simulate the reported problem.

The problem has already been passed on to the development team, and as soon as the fix is ​​released, I will be providing feedback through this thread.

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

Best regards!

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Hello, thank you very much for your answer. I tell you that I have detected another error when browsing the different menu options. I have shared a video showing the error.

It turns out that when I access a grid and then open another grid. Navigation is lost and one application is mixed with another.

Dear @reyi2403,

The problem with searching for dynamic menu items not working was fixed and released in version 9.10.003

Thanks for the collaboration.

Best regards!

Hello Danilo.
I confirm that the problem persists. I have not been able to implement the update waiting for a solution. I tell you that we load the menu items dynamically using the macro.
For menus in which the macro is not used everything is OK.

Can you help me with a solution for this bug please?

I share with you a new video that I had sent him, it has scriptcase support, but I have had no feedback.

Hi rey, I face the same problem in the new scriptcase responsive menu 9.10 but when using my old menu was running fine. Please advise if scriptcase have updated this bug. Thanks

Dear @reyi2403 and @Clarence_Wong,

We carried out new tests on version 9.10.011 (the most recent of Scriptcase), and the search for dynamically created items in the responsive menu is carried out normally.

I am uploaded below an example image that relates to the “Healthcare” example project, which can be imported when creating a new project.

The main menu application of this project is all created dynamically in the onLoad event. We basically transfer all the code from this event to the same event in the Responsive Menu application.

When we enable the search for items, it is possible to view the normal functioning of the resource when running the application.

Are you still facing the same problem?

If so, we suggest that you contact the tool’s support, as they will be able to provide more in-depth assistance to the case, and if necessary, even perform remote access.

Best regards!

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