New sc_macro sc_exec_stimulsoft(params .....);

Due to Sc don’t have a WYSIWYG report designer, you can facilitate this task with the integration of third part Report software as Stimulsoft.FX for PHP, AND with one sc_macro to run the report designed with these tool.

With this married the world is complete !!!


Hello aquiles,

Are you suggesting us to integrate Reports.FX? This one?

Bernhard Bernsmann

I think it is generally a good idea to integrate to popular 3rd parties. But this is another commercial app starting with 600$ per licence? That’s huge for ‘just’ a report generator. But if integration is simple by using just one macro it’s up to the customer if he wants to do so. But if it’s that simple a customer could program his own connection too.

Hi Bernhard,

Yes, I’am not problem to pay $600 by Scriptcase AND $600 by Stimulsoft Report, both are based on PHP language and Stimulsoft isn’t a Sc competitor, it is a complement to Sc.

If Sc have a new macro to link and run reports created with Stimlsoft designer as sc_link_Stimulsoft(report name, connection, param1, param2…) then the Sc Environment is complete.


Hello Aquiles,

I was just assuring that this was the tool you suggested us to use. I have just sent your suggestion to our development team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Scriptcase with stimulsoft

[quote=bartho;11161]hello aquiles,

i was just assuring that this was the tool you suggested us to use. I have just sent your suggestion to our development team.

bernhard bernsmann[/quote]

i’m used stimulfot, please read this forum…

Long time no see friends…



Thank you for your feedback.

If you allow me, I will copy your post on the other forum to this thread.

Bernhard Bernsmann

The following post was made by Suyonob:

Yeah, in my path to call report from *.mrt… i’m entered path like this :
(without parameter)
(if you want use param1 as your paramater… of course you will)

to make parameter in sc, in PHP Button you could concatenate with id table that you want to print invoice for example :
(like that)

consider if you entered your *.mrt files like picture i attached (path description.png)

I hope it can help you.


Of course i’m glad to help another user of SC.

based on my experienced, it is better if you replace .{id} with something else variable, etc : {filter}

Hi, is not a better idea that SC have o make one report module like Stimulsoft.FX?, i feel i am paying too much money by the update software service.
