The suggestion is for Scriptcase to create a screen where the status of the bugs reported displays the date the bug was reported, the date the bug was analyzed and either was approved to be worked on or rejected with a reason for the rejection, a date for when the bug is expected to be corrected would be nice too.
The reason for this suggestion: Scriptcase just started new free “classes or webinars” I think on Fridays, I am not sure why but I would think Scriptcase should be more worried about addressing real bugs and helping customers instead of ignoring actual real bugs that hold us back in development.
Currently there is no way to track where the status of a submitted bug is at any point in time.
I have submitted a couple of bugs, one is a real problem with multiple fields on the search, it has been close to a month not sure but nothing has been done about this and I am not if it is even being looked at. Here is the link for the first one:
Today I am running a simple search with a date and when I run it empty it returns all the records as expected but as soon as I select a set of records I have to start over, even when I hit the “cleanup” button the search is still returns the last selected set of records, it is a simple search nothing special and I am not sure when I can even expect for someone to look at it.