New version .0018 bad font in editor

Nice that there is a new editor but most coders would prefer to keep a fixed size font or at least have the option to use a fixed size font.
How can I set the font back to a fixed size???

If I cant then please add that in the .0019 version asap.

Edit your wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/conf/scriptcase/css/scriptcase8.css and add the following:

.CodeMirror-code div pre span span {font-family: Courier New;}

That will hold you til they fix it


Apparently it doesnt. I think since it is codemirror the codemirror css should be included in the scriptcase8.css
if I look at the generated page its source code I see the direct codemirror entries. So I am going to experiment using @import

One off piece I see in scriptcase8.css


  • Folha de estilo.
  • Esquema de folha de estilo scriptcase.
  • @package CSS
  • @subpackage scriptcase
  • @creation 2003/10/02
  • @copyright NetMake Solucoes em Informatica
  • @author Luis Humberto Roman <>
  • @author Diogo Silva Toscano De Brito <>
  • $Id: scriptcase6.css,v 1.44 2012-01-23 18:46:22 diogo Exp $
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    … then the rest… since when is that correct css? this */ followed by nextline and then by *{ is kinda odd to me…
    Apart from the fact that it is scriptcase8.css it is obviously an old scriptcase6.css…
    Aparently an @import didnt work… trying further…

The CodeMirror css and the theme css get loaded separately.
Use you browser’s “view source” and you will see that they are included already.

You might want to clear your cache.

That code works perfectly for me (with today’s update in place)

I put it as the 2nd item in the scriptcase8.css


That solution sadly enough doesnt work. The following does tho, change the beginning of scriptcase8.css to the following:

 * Folha de estilo.
 * Esquema de folha de estilo scriptcase.
 * @package     CSS
 * @subpackage  scriptcase
 * @creation    2003/10/02
 * @copyright   NetMake Solucoes em Informatica
 * @author      Luis Humberto Roman <>
 * @author      Diogo Silva Toscano De Brito <>
 * $Id: scriptcase6.css,v 1.44 2012-01-23 18:46:22 diogo Exp $
@import ("c:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\lib	hird\CodeMirror\lib\codemirror.css")
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;
body {

Do watch the path tho, it may be different for someone else…

Be aware tho, some browsers need to have the history removed (in fact the old css files need to be removed from the cache). So you may need to restart your browser
OR even delete the history/cache.

So guys from scriptcase please give me the exact RELATIVE path and I am even more happy…

If you use your browser to inspect elements, you will see that codemirror.css is already being loaded.

What your approach is accomplishing is changing the order of the css files by loading codemirror.css twice, both before and after scriptcase8.css.

The error is simply due to the first few lines of scripcase8.css:

	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;

is a horrible hack, and breaks CodeMirror

Unfortunately, removing those lines means fixing many other places in scriptcase8. Not worth the trouble from my perspective.

If my original fix did not work for you than perhaps you are not at the same version as me, or it is because of a difference between windows and linux.
I am running on a linux server with RHEL 6.6 and my sc is todays 8.018.
I verified my original fix in IE, Firefox and Chrome.

Original fix:

	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;

// Must be second item
.CodeMirror-code div pre span span {font-family: Courier New;}


Interesting for me the codemirror.css wasnt loaded… Time for more investigation… I probably overlooked something…
I only see one line with codemirror.css inclusion here and that is the one I had.
I agree that *{ … } is indeed horrible… At least it works for now without problems, they’ll probably fix it properly (one might hope).

Another easy alternative is to modify codemirror.css and at about line #295:

/* IE7 hack to prevent it from returning funny offsetTops on the spans */
.CodeMirror span { *vertical-align: text-bottom; }
.CodeMirror span { font-family: Courier New; }  //  <----New line of code

Works fine, and is probably better than changing scriptcase8.css


Version 0018 has a lot of issues and has been released without any decent testing imho. Honestly, the only thing we need are good bugfixes. I do NOT need any enhancements what-so-ever. I recommend everybody NOT to install 0018 and wait for a decent release.

We rolled back to .0017 as aducom said… Too many bugs…
And I set the courier new as daveprue mentioned. That did work, I wonder why it didnt in .0018 but who cares. That buggy version we dont need.

rr / Albert

The menu was fine for me on 18, plus the font fix by DavePrue for the editor.

All worked fine once I cleared the browser cache (CRL-F5 on Chrome). So I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame NetMake in it’s entirety, bar the fact they perhaps should indicate that a browser cache clearout is necessary post upgrade…

[QUOTE=adz1111;29562]rr / Albert

The menu was fine for me on 18, plus the font fix by DavePrue for the editor.

All worked fine once I cleared the browser cache (CRL-F5 on Chrome). So I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame NetMake in it’s entirety, bar the fact they perhaps should indicate that a browser cache clearout is necessary post upgrade…[/QUOTE]

There are more issues then the menu alone. There is a posted download to move back to version 17 by mr. Santos. I think it’s there for a reason.

Ok - fair enough.


I have a question. I’m working on an FHD notebook, and the codemirror font-size is too small for me. I changed the font size in the template file of codemirror eg. cobalt. The font size of comments, strings … can be changed, but I can’t change the font size of sc-code, the charactes between {}

I checked the css of these elements with Chrome, it seems the this code is in event.php:
.CodeMirror span {
font-size: 14px !important;

I would like to change 14px to 16px. I found event.php, but it is’t contains any css code. I try to change font size in the template, or in the codemirror.css, but it is not working.

Can someone tell me, how to change the characters in codemirror: {xxxxxx} ??

Grab firefox and press F12, then click the square mouse point thingy and hover your mouse above the piece that you want to change, see the code and specifially the codemirror class under there. You can alter the code mirror class by changing it in scriptcase8.css
That might help you further on.