New version

We expect a new framework that generates MCV code with true responsive designs, that work natively and deal with technologies such as Laravel, Angular, Vue Js, Reac.

I hope this year is an evolution for everyone, the technology grows and we stay fixed or go up

I do like the MCV paradigm, but in my humble opinion, MCV is only good for programmers, is transparent to users. MCV frameworks are great compared to plain php code, because you must handcraft the html, mixing code and presentation almost all of the time. (bad!)

In the scriptcase point of view, you are not suppose to dig nor maintain the generated code (who is really a complete mess by the way! (Portuguese variables and objects anywhere (wtf!))). Your interaction as a developer to scriptcase is only done by the web interface, and let it do the dirty job. It is far from perfect, but fine to my needs.

If you want to go further the included templates, you can create one of your own, with jquery, css3, html5 and so on.

In my particular workflow, scriptcase is faster to develop and maintain than MCV. On the other hand, do I overlook something?