next row on a form with a link from grid

Hello all - I have a grid with filter that shows me a result set for a given criteria.I also have a field link for each of record on the result that is linked to a form.When I click on the link it takes me to a form.On the form I have navigation buttons, when I click on the navigation buttons it is fetching the next row from database.What I want is , it should fetch the next row from the filter result set.

If it is not fetching it from result set, I do not see the use of navigation buttons in the above I missing something … could someone share their thoughts ?

Thank you all,


Re: next row on a form with a link from grid


Sorry but I didnt understand very well. What you want is, when you do the search in a form only show the records showed in the fetch ?

Re: next row on a form with a link from grid

Max - Sorry for the confusion.I just rephrased it.

When I get to the form by clicking on one of the search results, I need navigation buttons on the form to fetch the next record from search result set,instead of going after the database.



I cannot fetch all Data in my BLOB field ?

$tsql = "select file_data,file_name from rfq_detail where file_data is not null and id_master=".$p_rfq_id;
if ({my_data} == true)
		$binary_data = $my_data->fields[0];
		$file_name = $Root ."/". $p_rfq_id . '_' . $my_data->fields[1];
		$fh = fopen($file_name, "wb");

am i missing a FETCH in somewhere ?