no buttons or toolbar for container to go back or exit!?

hi guys, i just noticed in sc7 and sc8 no toolbar, so if the container was opened by mobile it will stuckthere! can’t go back by browser back button!? if removed the app name from the url it goes to main screen and asks the user to login again, this is not suitable

how to overcome this? how to add it for example in footer? add a button to go back/cancel/exit so user can go back to menus again!? this is annoying

I didn’t tried mobile yet, sorry

Giu, even in desktop there is no back or exit button, but in the desktop scenario, you can click on the menus directly, but on mobile you cant!! thats why you need to button to go back otherwise user will stuck and even the browser button doesn’t allow to go back so you will end up with document-expired page or force you to login again…

that is not good! what you lose if you add button that goes back? i just don’t know how to do it, tried to add direct html code link to the project homepage in the footer of te contaner selected: [[value]] and added that, but the field didn’t accept it and then appeared when tried again but didn’t work as requied…

in container there is no toolbar, no buttons, no events… i think it need more than this, it is pretty good and looks ok on mobile as well