If you go to events in the calendar application then you only see red spots on every event. Afaik it’s just a form application so…
Issue reported to our bugs team.
Bernhard Bernsmann
What happens is that all prior to current day (today) calendar events are marked with red color, this can be changed using another theme or creating a new one.
Thank you!
You haven’t read the question right.
It is not question of reading, but to understand. How many do not have details, I had to guess, so I assumed it would be in the running application.
But for your reply I know that’s not it.
Regarding codes in red, I will find out more about this detail and bring you information as soon as possible.
Thank you!
had or have have the same problem. thought it was meant to be like that… so I can add events in there same as form right… good to know
Well to be complete, if you open an event edit window you are able to insert code snippets, they are on the right side and show green when you can use them and red when you cannot use them. In the calendar all are red so you cannot use them, but if you insert the code manually it simply works. To be complete, as I said, the code snippets don’t always appear on every spot where you can enter php code. I.e. in library functions, php methods. A matter of consistancy. Besides that, the red/green spots do have issues. The coloring isn’t always correct.
I am reporting the development sector this observation you made. Thank you so much!