No edit pictogram (pencil) on Normal Grid which is part of Mater/Detail Form


SC Version: 7.01.0014

Short look on situation which i have: I have Master Form with linked Detail Editable Grid View - please see attached file 01*.jpg. On it I can edit records belongs to master record on Master Form. This grid is under Block “Historia”:

I also have second Detail Normal Grid with records belongs to Master. But on it i haven’t EDIT button to edit fields:

Of course this grid has SQL with WHERE id_master = id (id from Master) to select rows from corespoding master Form.

But when run this grid as separate application (not as Master - Detail) i can edit.

I can’t use Editable Grid View in this situation, i don’t need it there.. I would like to use normal grid with coresponding additional Form to Add/Edit/Del rows. This grid have a lot of columns which should be edited and will be much usefull for my client to use normal grid as justified list of records and additional Form tu edit it.

I can’t found where is the issue that i haven’t edit pictogram on each row.
Thank you


I found solustion. I can create additional field as HTML Image, link it to form with provided id. Yes, it is working. But I still think, that I should have with normal grid functionalisty in situations when Normal Grid is attached to Master/Detail Form (not Editable Grid View). I reported this issue to SC Supp.

There is workaround like above, but i still think thta this is an issue.


I’m not sure if this is actually a bug, but I will discuss the issue with our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hello daretzki,

try to do this, edit your link master detatil configuration and get the form property part, check if you have the avail update button in destiny aplication, option active.