No event code snippets?

If I go to any event in the calendar application then all code snippets show a red spot. I find that odd. Is there a reason or is it just an error?

I try to intercept a move of an appointment on the screen. I can check on dates in the modal form. But if a user is moving an appointment by the mouse on the calendar screen I cannot prevent the dates being updated. How do I do that?

I never saw it! you could show through a printscreen?

why? if you create a calendar app and go to events you can see it for yourself. Just a screen with red spots for all code snippets.

Sorry, but I found these red “spots”!

See? Wasn’t too hard to replicate :wink:

But why can’t I use these code snippets?

I would not call “red spot”, but of “Red Balls”, I think why not get it! This happens when the event is not in accordance with pre-defined codes, but not be limited to generate their own codes based on what already exists in the SC.

I think I know pretty well when things like this happen, only I realy don’t see why this is happening. There is afaik no reason why all bullets should be red and in my opinion it simply is a bug. But a question like this can at best be answered by someone of Scriptcase I guess.

The rule for displaying a red button on the “insert code” area is this:

If that code uses any macro which is not suposed to work on that event (based on the macro documentation), it will not be available. Some macros will work on events that they are not suposed to, but we do not recommend that.

Henrique, all events are supported as it is just a form which popsup after clicking on a calendar location. If I’m reading your message right you are saying that all the events are useless. But then the whole calendar app is useless. I still cannot understand why I cannot access a code snippet for retrieving data from another table etc. Why oh why?
It does work if I enter it, and the events go off. But you recommend no to use that? Why not disable events in this case? And what do you recommend. I need a doctors agenda where I can select patients etc.

Hehe, Henrique aparently has no answer…

BTW sc_lookup() actually works at least in onScriptInit and onLoad.
So why their balls are red only SC guys can tell…

Private Sub doc1_PrintPage(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim headingFont As New Font(“Arial”, 14, FontStyle.Bold)
e.Graphics.DrawString(“Delane Collums PrintPreview Snippet”, _
headingFont, Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left + 5, e.MarginBounds.Top + 5)
End Sub