Not able to use mobile input attributes.... MOBILE BUG!!

I have created a very simple “mobile app” using ‘application type = form’
I incorporated various fields, i.e. lookup, numbers, dates etc.
I have also used jquery mobile and am familiar with ‘building’ mobile form front-ends with data-driven backends. using jquery mobile, one has the option of setting up the Type attribute to options such as tel, number, text etc.
I have also “poked-around” in the folders in the _lib section of a production project to be fairly confident SC is using jquery mobile as a third party.

Here is the problem // BUG
I have not discovered how to incorporate and/or select many of the jquery features in what is called an SC mobile app.
With both Android and iPhone when I have a selection field, the selection ‘spinner’ appear allowing the user to ‘select’ something. When the field is a date field, jquery mobile allows the user to select the date from the device’s ‘spinner’. However, when SC has a date field the keyboard appears… I DO NOT want the keyboard to appear!! SC… where is the date spinner??? How do I get the date spinner to pop (instead of the keyboard or using the SC date picker -BTW I do not want to use the SC date picker when using the mobile device)???

Thank you,
Stu Buck
Phoenix Arizona


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Tell us exactly what attributes you want to change and we can check if you can enable a specific option for this type of configuration.