Not sure how to do this SELECT OPTION onChange to PHP

I would like to:

  1. have a select that lists the teams from an sc_lookup()
  2. an onchange event for the select (not select button being pressed)
  3. set the global_var [TeamKey]
  4. sc_redir(Teams.php) to open the Team application based on the Selected team…

I can not figure out how to get the JC onChange event to execute steps 3 & 4 above.


The onchange is an ajax event. The php code that is used will return data. Afaik, you cannot do a redir in an ajax event. I know that it requires an additional mouse click, but I would recommend adding a button/images that verifies the content of the select field and does the redir.

There has got to be a way to do this without a button (I pray)… I simply want to launch an SC application when the user picks the correct option of a select.

Anybody have a suggestion?


I created a control application with only the ‘Select’ option and also used a CSS style that had no characteristics to show lines, boxes, etc. Then used a Ajax event ‘onchange’ to execute the sc_redir.