Number Auto-Complete issue in Search Application - converted from SC7.1 to SC8

There appears to be a bug with Number Auto-Complete fields in Search Applications that have been converted from SC7.1 to SC8. Follow these steps to recreate the problem.

  1. Create a new project in SC7.1 and link a MySQL database to it. (Other databases my cause the same issue.)
  2. Create a Search Application and link a table to it.
  3. Select a field variable that is an integer in the database.
  4. Change the data type to Number Auto-Complete.
  5. Create a SQL in the Search Lookup section to populate the field.
  6. Run application to confirm that the field automatically fills a drop-down as you type.
  7. Now import the 7.1 project into SC8 using Tools->Converters-Version 7.
  8. Run application in SC8.
  9. The field now only accepts integers. No mater what you type, it will only show the top 10 results.

Possible related issue with Ajax Processing:
If you link the Number Auto-Complete field to a Select field via the Ajax Processing in SC7.1, it will no longer work in SC8.


This bug still persists after this latest update?

Waiting your response.

Thank you!

The first issue appears to be fixed (Thank you.), but the issue with the Ajax Processing wasn’t fixed.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Can you send to my email your export application?

Just to view your application configuration.

Thank you!