Number input problem

I am using trial version of ScriptCase and planning to purchase it. But I am getting a problem with
my demo page. I have a numeric field with 2 decimal place accuracy. But when I enter an value in it
it starts inputing from right to left. Say if I enter 12 the value shown in inputbox as 0.12. Even if I press decimal
key nothing happens. The numbers are entered from right to left. I want that if I enter only 12, as generally in
all softwares, it should be 12 not 0.12.
What is the problem? I have checked my computer’s regional settings, everything is OK.

-Mahesh Joshi, Bhopal. INDIA

Yes, I ran into this on some financial screens. Funny enough my users didn’t mind entering the zeroes, but I don’t like this too. Unfortunately this is default behaviour and the only way to change that afaik is to add some custom code. There are a few options. You can add an ajax event on the field and format the data as you need it. It can be done in phpI as well in javascript. If you need this conversion often you can consider putting the code in a sc library and reuse it every time you need it.