ODBC drivers

I wonder if anybody has scuccesfully connected to any database through ODBC drivers. I really do not understand NM concept here.
Obviously in many cases the password is not required but SC8 will not allow me to connect without password.I’m just trying t oconnect to Excell table through ODBC driver. The connection has been setup as UserDSN but I get errors when connecting



Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Arthur, i’m subscribing to this thread to know what happens actually this is very important aspect not a lot of pals using it, but we defiantly need to know all about it

although, seeing bartho here with his usual template isn’t promising with near-feature solution :smiley:


At this moment with 2 drivers not working at all SC8 is like a man with only one eye. How can you even advertise a product like that (?).
Obviously this hasn’t been even tested because such a major problem should not let the company even release SC8 for public use.



What is the database you are trying to connect and what driver you’re using?
Are you using our ODBC connection or ODBC extension of some database?

no matter what database or ODBC I sue it does not work. Recently I tried to connect to Access/Excell (just for testing). Build the DSN connection on the PC and tested with other tools - all OK, but SC simply does not even recognize there is any DSN on the system.

Did you tried as systen dns?not sure if userdns will work

yes I did, same result = can’t connect !



If possible, we can schedule a remote access to do a better analysis of your environment.

Hi John, could you please post back the results? ODBC is important point which we are missing how to deal with it, if you can give also more information would be much better, thanks in advanced.

ok, I did some more testing and seems like System DSN works (I only tested .dll for Excell and for READING data only).

When using USed DSN I get following error:

Connection Error

odbc_connect(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect

Of course in most cases you want to use UserDSN because you will need some sort of security. System DSN does not provide password access.

Where did you set your ODBC connection? In the odbc manager or in the odbcad32 manager?
As system or as user?

Since netmake is 32 bit I suggest taking the 32 bit odbc manager using system. And dont put spaces in the odbc name just to be safe.

My ODBC or SQL connection does not work. I have tried dozens of different methods. When I reported this I was told to upgrade and enter my new serial and then it “SHOULD” work. But it doesn’t. It doesn’t even recognise the local host server. I created several various databases and even though it saw the database it said that it could not connect.

This is extremely frustrating.

This is just one error when trying to connect

Connection Error

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot open database “JCPZ_FLAG_FORMS” requested by the login. The login failed. odbc_exec() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given

This is the fault when trying to connect directly

Connection Error

Login failed for user ‘’. mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server: CHARLENE

This is the other ODBC connection error. It sees the database but will not allow the connection.

Connection Error

odbc_connect(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database “JCPZ_FLAG_FORMS” requested by the login. The login failed., SQL state 37000 in SQLConnect

Please test the following:
-install the 32 bits mssql odbc driver!! The 64 bits will not work since scriptcase is 32 bits.
-connect to the database using odbc 32!! bits (in windows\systemwow64\odbcadm.exe as far as I quickly recall, it is the 32 bits tho the folder path says syswow64). That first MUST work before anything else.
-use an odbc query tool (ms access, msquery32, …) but use the 32 bits version, use this to test your connection.

@BrianWatson :

For ODBC-Connection look at the post from rr. For a SQL Connection to MSSQL Server use “MSSQL Server NATIVE SRV PDO” as DBMS type in SC and look at this documentation: Click! This works for PHP 5.4.

If you can’t connect (username or password invalid), you must use the mixed (Windows and SQL Server) login in MS SQL Server. Don’t feel free to ask …

[QUOTE=RHS;33482]@BrianWatson :

For ODBC-Connection look at the post from rr. For a SQL Connection to MSSQL Server use “MSSQL Server NATIVE SRV PDO” as DBMS type in SC and look at this documentation: Click! This works for PHP 5.4.

If you can’t connect (username or password invalid), you must use the mixed (Windows and SQL Server) login in MS SQL Server. Don’t feel free to ask …[/QUOTE]


After this possible solution, is still with the same problem?

I await your response.