onSummary/onTotal event on summary section of a grid

Please add onSummary/onTotal event on summary section of a grid

for now on its impossible to change the format on a sumary field

this goes from a post:

The grid section events doesnt seems to affect the sumarize flow at all

i put the following code on the onrecord event:


and my grid goes directly to the summarize and nothing happens

the group by events works for the calculation, but the format dont seems to be affected.

on the ongroupby event:

if ($total>0) {sum_departamento_Calculada}=round({sum_departamento_Calculada}*100/$total);
else {sum_departamento_Calculada}=0;

until here works excellent

sc_field_color (“sum_departamento_Calculada”, “#33FF66”);

dont do anything. or maybe this function dont have scope with the special group by variables

Posts: 654

? Reply #5 on: Today at 06:51:09 PM ?
SC needs an onSummary/onTotal event for this to happen. I have asked, please ask them as well.


Best Regards

Adrian Arreola

Re: onSummary/onTotal event on summary section of a grid

Hi all,
I wanted to change the Total of the Filed summary dinamically , and i don’t see any event does this…! Is that any way to achive this…!

Let Netmake can consider this suggestion and release evetns onSummary and onTotal events


summary total fields cant be changed

I am trying to implement a weighted average also in Summary. but the end line in summary is not changng when I change the total variables in code. surprisingly t works fine in detail page but not wellin summary.

below are the steps

1.) I have 3 important fields in the query as follows
ID - other fields - capacity - perofrmace

2.) I make summary by grouping by ID
I total and summarize : capacity and performance

3.) I want to show in summary the % performance
so I define a new field as PP .

4.) in onRecord
I use PP = performance/capacity * 100

5.) I also total and summarize PP

6.) in onGroupByAll
{sum_quebra_PP} = {sum_quebra_performance} / {sum_quebra_capacity} * 100
{sum_PP} = {sum_performance} / {sum_capacaity} * 100 (this is for changng the grand total line

7.) In detail grid view
subtotal for groupBy ID changes to correct perventages (instead of summing all, it displays the result of division on quebra)
grand total view changes to correct number with the correccr %
in summary view, the group totals for ID are correct because of the formula that we have written in step 6.)

but unfortunately the grand total line in summary shows the total of all values in the field although it shows correct values in gird view

8.) I have put the below line on onFooter, but no change
{sum_PP} = {sum_performance} / {sum_capacaity} * 100 (this is for changng the grand total line

maybe it can be a bug tı fix or another variable on grandtotal in summary page is being used or I a doing something wrong

I will appreciate your help thank you…

Albert Ozkohen

[QUOTE=dhanam4;3006]Hi all,
I wanted to change the Total of the Filed summary dinamically , and i don’t see any event does this…! Is that any way to achive this…!

Let Netmake can consider this suggestion and release evetns onSummary and onTotal events


Always according to this philosophy would also suggest to propose an increase of project version every time you make changes of mass, thus improving the possibility to undo the changes.