Open existing PDF file from disk

I am developing a form which allows upload of PDF file. Once it is loaded, it should get the number of pages of the uploaded PDF and store it into the mySql table.
Is this possible in scriptcase ? IF yes, can somebody tell me how ?
I have tried the inbuilt (included) tcpdf. But I am not able to open existing file (the path to the file is ok ) ? I saw there is a TCPDF_IMPORT . But not able to get much information on that.
I tried FPDI from setasign. But that is also not working. . WITH FPDI As follows
sc_include_library(‘prj’, ‘fpdi’, ‘FPDI/src/autoload.php’, true, true); // Correct Path
sc_include_library(‘prj’, ‘fpdi’, ‘FPDI/src//Tcpdf/Fpdi.php’, true, true);
$pdf = new \setasign\Fpdi\FPDI(); Not working
tried $pdf = new new Fpdi(); All throws class not found error