We have a container with widget1 being a grid with details button which opens the selected record in a form in widget2 using onRecord {details} = “<a href=“javascript:void%200” onclick=“parent.document.getElementById(‘id-iframe-widget2’).contentWindow.document.location.href = ‘…/Employees/Employees.php’+’?emp_id=”.{e.emp_id}.”’;" > <img src=’…/_lib/img/details.png’ border = ‘0’ Title=‘Details’/></a>";
We need to pass emp_id of selected record to widget3 (form).
I assume the best way to do this is in the above string but do not know how.
We need to load the selected variable into additional forms in other additional widgets. It works on widget2. We need to load associated records in widget3 and widget4 forms. Any one know how?