Hi -
I am looking to see if anyone knows the option/attribute list for the nm_gp_move function. I want to use one grid app, but link to it from various menu items for different views - charts, XLS download, etc. I plan on using a blank application as the click destination for each of the menu items, and redirect into the grid with the appropriate view mode.
I have figured out a few - ‘gantt’ for showing the Gantt chart, ‘xls’ for XLS view, ‘resumo’ for Summary view, etc. The function accepts 5 attributes to be passed into it - I am assuming the first is the desired view, then I believe the second is the target window. Not sure about the others (although I think some of them can be used for PDF configuration).
Is there any other method for using one grid app to come up in various views?
Thanks for any info.