I have a good working (licenced) SC under MySQL. To be able to promote SC within my company I need a working solution for Oracle. I found links to the oracle stuff, but we don’t get it running. Point is that we do get oracle running on different PHP versions but not with SC. It looks like SC uses his own instance of php? These are some of our messages.
Reaction of our developer:
Het lijkt wel of hun zendserver install niet goed is.
Ik krijg hier iedere php aan de gang behalve diegene die in hun zendserver dir staat.
Affijn ik ben wat verder en krijg een unspported characterset… Wat ook niet nodig zou moeten zijn.
>> it looks like zend server install is no good. All php’s are running well except the one in the zendserver dir. Also we get an error about unsupported characterset, that should not happen.
c:Program FilesScriptcaseendServerin>php connecttest.php
PHP Warning: oci_connect(): OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. There is something wrong
with your system - please check that PATH includes the directory with Oracle Ins
tant Client libraries in C:Program FilesScriptcaseendServerinconnecttest.
php on line 2
Warning: oci_connect(): OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. There is something wrong with
your system - please check that PATH includes the directory with Oracle Instant
Client libraries in C:Program FilesScriptcaseendServerinconnecttest.php o
n line 2
PHP Warning: oci_connect(): ORA-12735: Instant Client Light: unsupported client
character set NA in C:Program FilesScriptcaseendServerinconnecttest.php
on line 2
Warning: oci_connect(): ORA-12735: Instant Client Light: unsupported client char
acter set NA in C:Program FilesScriptcaseendServerinconnecttest.php on li
ne 2
c:Program FilesScriptcaseendServerin>
It looks like thaty they have a separate php install and not a standard one. The instant client always brings trouble due to sepcial
encryptions etc.
It’s very important that we get this thing running in our environment.
Albert Drent
university of groningen