i have a form that contains 4 blocks as there are a lot of fields…
the problem that i cannot find how to organize my fields in the form the way i want
ex: i cannot have 4 fileds in one line
i have the first line
Name: last name:
second line i can have
address1: address2: address3:
and so line 4 for example i can have 4 fields
can anyone please show me how i can do this …and special put 4 fields in one line
Re: organizing fields in a form
There are several way to do this.
You can display blocks beside each other: 4 blocks, 2 fields per block will give you
| = block separator
F1 | F3 | F5 | F7
F2 | F4 | F6 | F8
B1 = columns: 1, Next: beside, width: 25%
B2 = columns: 1, Next: beside, width: 25%
B3 = columns: 1, Next: beside, width: 25%
B4 = columns: 1, Next: below, width: 25% (starts new row for next block
You can create columns in your blocks to place the fields as
See Field: Position / Organization: next,width for placement in block setup.
B1 = Block1
B1: F1 F2 F3 F4
B2: F1 F2 F3 F4
would be
B1/B2 = columns: 4, width: 100
Fields are number by tab index order based on setup.
Re: organizing fields in a form
thank you very much for your answer
the field size is big then if i put them in 4 columns they look very bad …
libelle name:
field is not in the same line for inputting data
Re: organizing fields in a form
Can you provide a screenshot of what you have with comments of what you want? It is a bit hard to ‘guess’ what it looks like.