parameterize input mask of numeric fields

[SIZE=14px]Hello to all.
I try to reformulate the question because in 2 years scriptcase has never replied to me.
Goodness to them! :frowning:
is there a possibility to parameterize the input mask of numeric fields (decimal / currency)?
how can I intervene in a parameterizable way (global variable, local variable, etc.) the element ‘precision: 5’ in the generated instruction:[/SIZE]

<input class = "sc-js-input scFormObjectOdd css_art_listino0_obj" style = "text-align: right;"
id = "id_sc_field_art_listino0" type = "text" name = "art_listino0" value = "1.11000" size = "13" alt = "{datatype: 'decimal', maxLength: 13,
precision: 5, decimalSep: ',', thousandsSep: '.', thousandsFormat: 1, manualDecimals: true, allowNegative: true,
onlyNegative: false, enterTab: false, enterSubmit: false, autoTab: false, selectOnFocus: false, watermark: '',
watermarkClass: 'scFormObjectOddWm', maskChars: '() {} [].,;: - + /'} "maxlength =" 16 ">

Hello and thanks

In the event OnLoad add this rows:
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(’#id_sc_field_utente’).attr(‘inputmode’, “numeric”);

You will see that is ok.